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ISSN Online: 2379-1748

ISBN Flash Drive: 978-1-56700-469-4

ISBN Online: 978-1-56700-470-0

Second Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference
April, 2-5, 2017, Las Vegas, NV, USA


Get access (open in a dialog) pages 3039-3042
DOI: 10.1615/TFEC2017.tpd.017995


The dynamics of particles in inhomogeneous flows is relevant to a wide variety of technological and natural flows. Small solid particles are present in many industrial processes and equipment as in numerous chemical reactors and combustors. Aerosol and pollutant transport in air, suspension of plankton in the oceans and transport of sediments in river beds and estuaries are examples of situations in which particles are found in natural flows. Since in many of these flows the concentration of particles is small their mutual interaction and their effect on the carrying fluid can be neglected (one-way coupling). The interaction of cellular and vortex flows with inertial particles has been analyzed using analytical [1] and numerically simulated laminar and turbulent [2] flows. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional planar mixing shear layers are canonical flows in which particle dispersion has been extensively investigated using numerical simulations [3, 4] and experiments [5]. In these flows, the particle dispersion is dominated by the ability of the particles to follow the large-scale vortex fluid motions, which is measured with the Stokes number, defined as the ratio of the time scale of the particle to the characteristic time of the flow. For example, particles with Stokes number of the order of unity tend to concentrate on the periphery of the quasi-two-dimensional large-scale structures developed along the mixing layer.