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ISSN Online: 2379-1748

ISBN Flash Drive: 978-1-56700-469-4

ISBN Online: 978-1-56700-470-0

Second Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference
April, 2-5, 2017, Las Vegas, NV, USA


Get access (open in a dialog) pages 2429-2434
DOI: 10.1615/TFEC2017.icm.017706


The innovation in the use of new Technologies to increase the natural quality of food products is one of the most important issues in the actual Alimentary industry and is the aim to optimize those processes. The pasteurization with ohmic heating was proven to be a suitable alternative to keep the quality and improve the sensory characteristics. The use of mathematical models and simulation is a common technic in the design of such methods. This study carried out an ohmic heating simulation using mango pulp has food industry product in Mexico, these results assistance and corroborate the designing of the ohmic process parameter to optimize the overall quality and to guarantee the inocuity of the product to exportation. The simulation was performed in Fluent (ANSYS) using experimental correlation of physicochemical properties by UDF to get realistic results; the model has shown to be accurate enough with the real process, and demonstrate that temperature effect in the ramping use of Amperage can be a common technic to increase the energy present in the food to reach inocuity but with control enough to maintain homogeneity and precise temperatures levels.